Unleash your Primal Power: Totem Tapping for Health and Happiness has gone live. It is now available at bookstores online and locally. I would really appreciate your feedback and reviews are definitely welcome.
It has been a long time coming. Although I’ve written other books, this one was probably the most fun to write. It is actually based on a chapter from my first book Tap It Away: 10 Minutes to Freedom. Unleash Your Primal Power expands on the concept that we can find a starting spot for tapping by considering the animals that we either love, fear, or have some sort of a strong feeling about. Of course there isn’t room in a single volume to describe all of the possible tapping options with each animal, but there are many examples that can help you get started on your own journey.
You will also find plenty of information about how to tap, why I tap, and other interesting facts. You can also find additional examples of primal power tapping throughout this website. If you have a particular animal that you would like me to provide some tapping about, just ask. You could also suggest a personality trait or challenge and then we could work backwards by thinking about what animal that might remind you of. The possibilities are almost endless.
Happy Tapping.
Need to learn more about tapping? Click here.