With One Voice is a short piece of worship music based on Romans 15:5-6. It describes the desire for the people of God to live in peace and harmony. This can be achieved by living in the example of Jesus and through the collective activity of praising God. The song admonishes that we should sing as if with one voice, rather than as individuals. The melody is one of joyous praise and it ends in an acknowledgment of God’s majesty. Written for SATB choir and piano accompaniment, it would be appropriate for introit, benediction, or orison.

May the God of endurance and encouragement
grant you to live in such harmony
with one another in accord with Jesus Christ
that together you may, with one voice,
Glorify the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I’ve set the words of others several times and written my own poetry. With this piece I’ve enjoyed interpreting Biblical verse. All are inspirational to me when composing worship music. Writing this brought me great joy and it is my sincere wish that it brings joy to all that sing it or hear it.
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