Book Review – Spirit Woman: The Teachings of the Shields

I’m not sure when I purchased the book, or how long it had been on my shelf before I finally got around to reading it.  It was probably sitting there for quite a while. I have a habit of letting books call to me at the time of sale, but not necessarily reading thenm promptly.

Spirit Woman, by Lynn Andrews, was actually written as a sequel to Medicine Woman but it easily stands on its own. Lynn describes her teachings from Agnes Whistling Elk and Ruby Plenty Chiefs through the spiritual tool of medicine shields.

Lynn’s education is definitely “experiential” rather than a lecture format that we are so used to in suburban educational systems. Lynn’s teachers set up situations that required much of her beyond simple demonstrations of skill or knowledge. These learning experiences challenged her to become something different and to become aware of her own abilities, fears, and constricted beliefs.

The author’s writing style allows you to feel at times as if you are sitting at the table, experiencing the darkness, or knowing the joy. It is amazing to realize that this is a true story. During each chapter I questioned whether or not I could have done the things that Lynn did.  I wonder, could you?

Low Energy

Low Energy

Having low energy is a common problem for most of us.  Below is a tapping exercise that may help to improve the situation. When I first used this one, lots of other issues popped up that needed tapping as well.  You may want to have your tapping journal handy to jot down some notes.

If you are new to tapping, check out the Tapping Points video on the Meridian Tapping page before moving on.

Rate this statement on a 0-10 scale where 0=not true at all and 10=completely true, “I have low energy.”  Write down the number.

Say these statements while tapping on the karate chop point: I don’t seem to have much energy lately. It is hard to get going and even harder to keep going.  I just don’t seem to have the stamina I used to have and I want it back.  Even though I’m lacking energy I love and accept myself completely. Although I have no stamina, I am open to loving myself anyway.  Even though I have much less energy than what I think I need, I choose to accept myself just as I am.

Eyebrow…No energy

Side of Eye…Low energy

Under the Eye…Lack of energy

Nose…No stamina

Chin…Not enough to get going

Collarbone…Not enough to keep going either

Under the Arm…No energy

Top of Head…Need more energy

Eyebrow…No stamina

Side of Eye…I want more stamina

Under the Eye…I really miss having energy and stamina

Nose…It is bothering me

Chin…I am committed to improving my energy

Collarbone…I am open to raising my energy level

Under the Arm…I am eager to understand my current energy

Top of Head…I accept myself with or without energy and stamina

Take a deep breath and release it gently.  Now say the statement again “I have low energy.”  Rate it on the 0-10 scale.  Has there been a change?  Did any other thoughts come up?  If the rating number is lower, you can tap on those new thoughts or continue tapping with statements similar to the ones above.