It has been a very full month. Lots of things to do. But also much to be happy about too. Here is my last happy things list for 2024. December Happy Things. Do we share any similar happy things this month?
My new puppy Scooby
A successful harp performance
Learning a new song
Collaborating with other musicians
Finishing my Christmas shopping
Sending Christmas cards
Soup for lunch
A short work day
Resigning from a job
Rearranging furniture
Christmas carols
Wearing lots of red
Small bandaids
Recognizing options
Handwritten thank you notes
Oatmilk whipped cream
Durable dog toys
Bodhi’s amazing persistence
Animal rescue organizations
Finishing a composition
Listening to a bassoon
Christmas romance novels
Composition lessons
Gaelic practice
Voice lessons
Great Christmas music on youtube
Honey mustard salad dressing
A freezer full of homemade soups
Finishing a composition
Candy canes
Daydreaming about retirement
Sturdy kitchen aprons
Sending flowers to people I love
Flickering candles
Phone calls from family

It has been a very interesting month. Lots of changes. Lots of music. New insights. Personal growth. And yes, lots of feeling overwhelmed and overextended. There were a few highlights though. At the top of the list would be Christmas caroling with people from my church. We visited shut-ins and folks in assisted living facilities. Watching their faces light up, sometimes singing along was priceless. Also near the top of the list was playing my harp for the first time at a Christmas eve service.I was nervous, but it went well and people appreciated and enjoyed it.
I would have liked a snowy December but that didn’t happen. Maybe next year.

So on to 2025 we go. For me this anticipation of a new year is mostly a positive thing, even in this time of global unrest. I am thinking about how I want to use the time, both personally and professionally. Not really resolutions, but intentions.
I wish you a wonderful new year.