It’s been a really tough month for finding things that make me happy. That may be a bit of an exaggeration but it is certainly true of the past 2 weeks. But, if I’m honest there have been some really happy things in February 2025. Most of them are related to music, almost none of them are related to work. Perhaps it is just me, but it seems my frustration tolerance is at an all time low and almost everyone around seems overwhelmed and annoyed. That doesn’t make for very pleasant days. That is the best reason I can think of to actually track the things that are making me happy so that it doesn’t seem like every minute of every day is total doom and gloom.
February Happy Things
Handbell workship
A really great composition lesson
A new room humidifier
Sunday afternoon naps
Receiving a compliment
Playing harp at church
Finding a new soup recipe
Allergen free chocolate frosting
Learning about a Ukelin
Trying to play the bowed psaltery
4-day weekends
Harp lesson
Voice lessons
Conversations with Josh
Sleeping late
Composition lesson
A quiet house
A midday walk

If you haven’t started tracking your happy things yet, its not too late to get started. I don’t write down something every day. That’s probably based more on getting busy and not making it a priority than it is on the absence of anything good in my life. But I keep trying, and I hope you will too.