The goose mainly brings positive thoughts, memories, and feelings for me. I am fairly certain that this is one of my totem animals. That said, I can also relate to some goose symbolism or characteristics that might actually be problematic in my life. This tapping exercise is about one of them. The goose is often associated with perfectionism. I’m sure I can hear those of you that know me taking an audible gasp of air. Yes, I’ll admit it. I can be somewhat perfectionistic (but not about everything) and it sometimes interferes with my life. Can you relate? Take a few moments and check in with your own perfectionistic tendencies, or lack thereof, then get started with the tapping exercise.
Setup (Karate Chop Point): Even though I want to be perfect in most everything I do, or at least I want others to think that I’m perfect, I choose to love, honor, and respect myself just as I am in this moment. Even though perfectionism is something I know can be over the top, I don’t want to let go of my high standards. I choose to allow myself to grow and develop in this area. In spite of my tendency to be really hard on myself and expect a standard of perfection that isn’t really possible, healthy, or effective, I deeply and completely love and respect myself as a work in progress.
Side of Eye…An unattainable standard
Under the Eye…It seems like a good goal
Under the Nose…But it really seems to lower my productivity
Chin…And stifle my creativity
Collarbone…My rational brain knows that perfectionism isn’t possible
Under the Arm…But my emotional brain sees it as a necessity
Top of Head…This needs to be perfect
Eyebrow…There seems to be a lot attached to this
Side of Eye…It almost seems necessary
Under the Eye…Sure, I got lots of praise when I did things well
Under the Nose…And experienced criticism if I didn’t
Chin…That’s normal for most people
Collarbone…But I feel that criticism very deeply
Under the Arm…And I’ve gotten quite good at being the critic myself
Top of Head…In spite of all of this
Eyebrow…I am trying to learn to love and respect myself more
Side of Eye…Perfectionism
Under the Eye…A double-edged sword
Under the Nose…It can help me
Chin…And it can definitely hurt me
Collarbone…The truth is
Under the Arm…I feel safer if I am the one doing the criticizing
Top of Head…Rather than waiting for someone else to do it
Eyebrow…And now I just seem to expect it
Side of Eye…This is definitely something I’d like to let go of
Under the Eye…The perfectionism
Under the Nose…The fear of criticism
Chin…Craving praise
Collarbone…Trying to prevent embarrassment
Under the Arm…Of having someone else see a flaw
Top of Head…My problem with perfectionism
For me, and for many other people, perfectionism is a deeply rooted problem and we have many experiences that have shaped our thinking. I’m pretty sure the tapping reminded you of some of those experiences. Write those down, and then go back and tap on the points while running the event in your mind like a movie.