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house surrounded with trees
Photo by Jonathan Petersson on Pexels.com

Grone Lunden is a traditional Swedish folk song and this arrangement is by Fabio Rizza @fabuiruzza.it. I’m playing this “easy” arrangement on a 33-string Jolie from musicmakers @harpkit.com.

I happened to notice a video by Fabio Rizza on youtube and followed the link to his online store. I browsed the different selections and ordered a few. One was Grone Lunden. I then was reminded of the tune from a friend at learningtheharp.com. He mentioned a band that he really likes that was playing it. That was all it took to convince me to start learning it.

woman playing harp in lush foliage
Photo by Анна Малышева (Заволока) on Pexels.com

Even the “easy” version was above my skill level when I first started learning it. Months later it is one of my favorite pieces to play. One of the nice things about this song from Fabio is that the easy and intermediate versions are in the same packet, so soon I plan to start learning that one. The only reason I’m waiting is that I will be playing this easy version in a performance early next month and I don’t want to confuse myself with two different versions at the same time.

It is my understanding that Grone Lunden means Green Field, but I have also found it translated as Green Forest and Green Meadow. For those of you that understand Swedish, I’ve included the Swedish words as well as the English translation I found HERE.

Green Meadows (Gröne Lunden)

And in the green meadows, a couple is dancing. (Och uti gröne lunden, där dansar ett par).
And in the green meadows, a couple is dancing. (Och uti gröne lunden, där dansar ett par).
One was the friend, the other was me. (Den ena var vännen, den andra var jag). One was the friend, the other was me (Den ena var vännen, den andra var jag)

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