What is it you are really ordering when you go to a restaurant? Do you order food or are you ordering comfort? Many people who struggle with weight are ordering comfort. They are not thinking about how they will feel nourished. They are not thinking about how they will feel healthier.

Setup (Karate Chop Point) – When I go to a restaurant, I don’t really order food, I order comfort. I think about how I will feel more than how it will nourish my body. I am pretty sure I would be healthier if I thought about nourishment when eating and thought about comfort when I am doing other things. Even though I have food and comfort somehow confused, I love and accept myself and am thankful that I am finally getting some clarity about this issue. It seems that I have confused food and comfort in the past; however, I am excited about a new way of thinking about this. Even though I have confused food and comfort in the past, and I am feeling just a little stubborn about giving it up, I love and accept myself anyway.

Eyebrow…I need comfort
Side of Eye…And I do it with food
Under the Eye…I have confused food with comfort
Under the Nose…And I would like to find a way to deal with that
Chin…I want comfort
Collarbone…I haven’t been good about getting it except through food
Under the Arm…I want that to change
Top of Head…This need to get comfort through food
Eyebrow…I have a need to get comfort through food
Side of Eye…Even though I want comfort
Under the Eye…I choose to let food be food
Under the Nose…It is ok to enjoy it
Chin…But it doesn’t – CAN’T – fill up the empty spot inside of me
Collarbone…It is ok to want comfort
Under the Arm…It is ok to like food
Top of Head…I choose to seek other ways to get comfort in my life
BONUS TAPPING: Begin tapping on the spots. Repeat the word “failure” aloud. Continue tapping while focusing on the thoughts and feelings associated with failure as it relates to your eating habits.
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