The tapping exercise below also comes from my study of the Tao Te Ching.
Setup (while tapping karate chop point): I have a tendency to make snap judgments about people, places, events, circumstances – really, just about everything. Even when I take the time to think about things, I’m still making judgments. I often pride myself on being a good listener, but I even make judgments about what I expect other people to say. I sometimes start thinking about how I want to respond to what people are saying before they even finish saying it. That is a definite clue that I’m not really listening. Even though I have this tendency to judge, I choose to move toward judging less. Even though I often fail to really listen to other people, I choose to move toward listening more. Even though I have a tendency to judge and a tendency not to really listen, I choose to judge less and listen more.
Eyebrow…I am a very judgmental person
Side of Eye…That doesn’t feel like a very flattering statement
Under the Eye…I can hardly admit that to myself
Under the Nose…I certainly don’t want to admit that to anyone else either
Chin…Even the statement that something is good is a judgment
Collarbone…My need to evaluate or judge things is a sign of my resistance to just experiencing life as it comes
Under the Arm…It sounds to zen to say that there is no good or no bad – there just is
Top of Head…I’m not at a place where I really believe that
Eyebrow…I am open to learning to judge less
Side of Eye…I am open to believing that I could experience more of life without adding judgments about whatever is happening
Under the Eye…I may not be as good a listener as I would like to think
Under the Nose…I get caught up in my own thoughts and fail to really listen to the thoughts of others
Chin…If I am not listening to them – I’m still in my own reality
Collarbone…That means I can’t really understand where they are coming from
Under the Arm…I choose to listen more
Top of Head…I am excited to see where these choices will lead me