What is your mindset? Are you focused on scarcity or are you focused on abundance?
Begin by tapping on the karate chop point. Setup: I have a tendency to hoard things. Not like hoarding you see on television, but I sure have trouble throwing things away. Probably more important than that, I have the mindset that I need to save things in case things go wrong in the future. That mindset goes against what I know about the law of attraction. I know this must be a real issue for me because I don’t even want to look at it. I’ll take that as a sign that I have work to do on this. I choose to at least begin looking at this issue. I accept myself. I accept my feelings. And I accept my reluctance too.
Eyebrow…I have issues with abundance and scarcity.
Side of Eye…These issues may really be holding me back.
Under the Eye…If I am really using energy anticipating bad things happening
Nose…I am creating those bad things to some extent
Chin…Worrying about worst case scenario is my primary mode
Collarbone…I’ve always thought that by being ready for the worst
Under the Arm…I could handle anything
Top of Head…It is overwhelming to think about how that may be impacting me in the long run
Eyebrow…It certainly has gotten in the way of me enjoying the moment as much as perhaps I could
Side of Eye…I want to embrace this concept more fully
Under the Eye…I suspect it is going to take quite a while for me to really make those changes in my way of interacting with life
Nose…But even small changes can have a big impact
Chin…I’m still feeling some resistance here
Collarbone…I choose to be patient with myself
Under the Arm…I can sit here and tap on this issue until I feel more calm
Top of Head…I can tap on this issue any time I need to
Take a deep breath and let it out. What did you notice? When I did this tapping originally a lot of interesting messages came up including things I heard and experienced in childhood, news stories, and information from classes I’ve taken that have led to my previous views on this topic. If things came up for you, please write them down so you can continue tapping to release any negative beliefs that might be holding you back.