Its embarrassing to admit this, but sometimes I feel so overwhelmed that I forget to tap. I hate it when I suddenly, after way too much angst, think about tapping. Here is a short tapping exercise to get you started when you find yourself doing the same thing.
Say this statement aloud, “I feel overwhelmed.” Rate the intensity or truth of the statement on a 0-10 scale where 10 is very true. Write the number down for later.
Repeat this setup statement three times while tapping on the karate chop point. “Even though I feel overwhelmed right now, and that’s my excuse for not tapping, I deeply and completely love and accept myself and all of my feelings — even my excuses.
Begin tapping, using a different reminder phrase at each of the tapping points.
Eyebrow…I feel overwhelmed
Side of Eye…So I can’t tap
Under the Eye…I feel overwhelmed
Under the Nose…I feel so overwhelmed that I can’t even do anything
Chin…I can’t even tap because I’m so overwhelmed
Collarbone…I feel overwhelmed
Under the Arm…I AM overwhelmed
Top of Head…You would be too if you were me
Eyebrow…I have good reasons to feel overwhelmed
Side of Eye…I am overwhelmed
Under the Eye…So it’s okay if I’m stuck
Under the Nose…Well, maybe its not ok with me
Chin…Tapping is pretty easy
Collarbone…I could probably tap, even though I’m so overwhelmed
Under the Arm…And I feel pretty good after I tap
Top of Head…It just might work
Take a deep breath and say the original statement again, “I feel overwhelmed.” Rate it on the 0-10 scale. Was there any change? If your new rating is above a 3, continue tapping with the statements above or use your own words about what you are feeling until the intensity or truth of the statement comes down.