Photo of Dr Leanna Manuel

Transformational Power of the Snake

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The transformational power of the snake totem is exemplified by the shedding of the snake’s skin. It is a physical rebirth process. Additionally, it teaches us that we can transform most things that come into our lives, for better or worse. We can create opportunity out of loss, passion from hardship, or vitality from illness. Consider the ways in which you have engaged in the process of transformation. Are there things in your life or personality that you would like to transform now?

Unleash Your Primal Power

I wanted to give you a sneak peek from my upcoming book Unleash Your Primal Power: Totem Tapping for Health and Happiness. This came from a chapter dedicated to the different characteristics of the snake. Think of a specific hardship you are facing right now or expect to be facing in the near future and then start tapping.

MPI: “I’m facing this hardship.”

illustration for karate chop point

Setup (Karate Chop Point) – Even though I am facing this hardship right now, I choose to remain open to learning how to use this experience to create a better opportunity. Even though I am facing this hardship right now, I choose to remain open to using this experience for growth and prosperity. Even though I am facing this hardship right now, I choose to remain hopeful and full of expectation for the great things that are coming next.

diagram of the tapping points
Eyebrow This hardship
Side of Eye Things are really hard right now
Under the Eye And I’m having trouble seeing past this moment
Under the Nose All I can focus on
Chin Is this hardship
Collarbone And how bad it feels
Under the Arm This hardship
Top of Head Stuck in this negative viewpoint
Eyebrow I’m having a hard time
Side of Eye But I choose to remember that things can transform
Under the Eye Into something wonderful
Under the Nose This hardship
Chin And I choose to remember that things can transform
Collarbone Into something special
Under the Arm This hardship
Top of Head I can transform it
Eyebrow Seeking transformation
Side of Eye Things will change
Under the Eye Transforming hardship into something wonderful
Under the Nose Things do change
Chin Transforming hardship into something special
Collarbone Transforming hardship into something better
Under the Arm Things change
Top of Head I claim this transformational power

Take a deep breath and let it out gently. What thoughts about your hardship came up? Did you have any thoughts about how you would like it to transform? How can the transformational power of the snake assist? Write those things down in your tapping journal and continue tapping until you feel resolution.

Need to learn more about tapping? Click here.

Happy Tapping.

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