Book Review – People of the Blue Water: A Record of Life Among the Walapai and Havasupai Indians
I had this book on my shelf for many years before actually reading it. As I was packing to move to the southwest I found it and decided that it was the perfect time to put it at the top of my to read list. I’m very glad that I did. My primary complaint with … [Read more…]
I Feel So Overwhelmed
Its embarrassing to admit this, but sometimes I feel so overwhelmed that I forget to tap. I hate it when I suddenly, after way too much angst, think about tapping. Here is a short tapping exercise to get you started when you find yourself doing the same thing. Say this statement aloud, “I feel overwhelmed.” … [Read more…]
Valentine’s Day Traditions
When I think of Valentine’s Day I always think of red construction paper, doilies, stickers, and hearts. Our tradition was to make our Valentine’s Day cards instead of purchasing them. Pictures were sometimes cut from old cards and silly rhyming verses were created. How many of you know why the tradition of Valentine’s Day was … [Read more…]
Lea’s Rules – Avoid Corn
Anyone who knows me very well knows that I need to avoid many common food items because they make me very sick. It is not a casual “I think I’ll stop eating snails” kind of thing. Perhaps the hardest for me has been corn. Sure I like the taste of corn bread, corn on the … [Read more…]
Peace in – Peace out!
I know that many people have developed the habit of starting the morning with the news, whether print or digital. That habit can have some merit since you can prepare for the weather, have the latest news to discuss with colleagues, or enjoy a chuckle if you are reading the comics. The downside is that … [Read more…]
Tapping Exercise – Head in the Sand
Do you have a tendency to bury your head in the sand and try to ignore problems? If so, this tapping exercise from my upcoming book Unleash Your Primal Power: Totem Tapping for Health and Happiness might be just what you need to get started on a path of managing things more directly. Begin tapping … [Read more…]