I must say that February has been a bit better than January for finding happy things. And, as a result it was a lot easier to focus on the things that make me happy. Like so many other things, this requires practice. In case you missed the January post, this idea comes from 14,000 Things to Be Happy About by Barbara Ann Kipfer. In the process of writing this post I turned to the book for encouragement to observe more, recognize more, and savor more. While it is true that I probably could list at least many more things that I was unhappy about than I have on this happy things list, I do see the benefit. Even reading back through my list I notice a smile spreading on my face.

Even better, February had 29 days this year. There’s something just special about leap year. I once knew someone who was a leap year baby and used to joke about how unfair it was to have less birthdays than everyone else. I’m certainly trying to make the most of this extra February day with lots of things that make me happy.
February 2024 Happy Things List
A helpful florist
Voice lessons
Composition lessons
Tea bags
Suet feeder
Flat Stanley
90 minute massages
Italian Sausage
Gluten Free pasta
Gel pens
Spa day
Irish harp music
Maple syrup
Sleeping dogs
Dry erase markers
French fries
Coming home
Irish harps
Compassionate veterinarians
Leap year
Charles Anthony Silvestri‘s poetry

Have you started your Happy Things list yet? I’d love to hear how it is working out for you.