How comfortable are you with letting other people see the real you? Is your social image very different from your private image? Are you hiding your true nature? Many people say there is a difference, but to varying degrees. Some people are afraid to let others get too close, usually because they fear rejection. The following tapping can help us get clarity about the issue and is a good starting point with this topic.

Setup (Karate Chop Point) – Even though I am afraid to let others see the real me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. Even though I am afraid to let others know me too well, I love and accept who and what I am. Even though it is scary to let anyone get close enough to really know me, I love and accept myself.

Eyebrow…Afraid to let others see the real me
Side of Eye…Hiding my true nature
Under the Eye…Afraid to let others see the real me
Under the Nose…Hiding my true nature
Chin…Afraid to let others see the real me
Collarbone…Afraid to let others see the real me
Under the Arm…Afraid to let others see the real me
Top of Head…Fear of rejection if they really knew me
Eyebrow…Fear of rejection if they really knew me
Side of Eye…Fear of rejection if they really knew me
Under the Eye…Fear of rejection if they really knew me
Under the Nose…Fear of rejection
Chin…I’m trying to only let them see some of me
Collarbone…The parts I think are most acceptable
Under the Arm…I’ve been hiding my true nature
Top of Head…From them, and maybe also from me.
Take a deep breath and let it out gently. What did you notice? Did you become aware of which parts you think are acceptable to share and which ones you feel you need to hide? Write them down. Next to each of them, write down a few thoughts or memories that might explain how you have learned to value parts of yourself and reject other parts. That would be your starting point for some really awesome tapping.