People have many different emotions about their body. Although there are some people who are completely satisfied with their weight and appearance, I don’t personally know very many. What I hear more often is people that are angry about their weight and body. Unfortunately, being angry with yourself doesn’t generally lead to resolution and change. That’s where tapping can help.

Setup (Karate Chop Point) – Even though I feel angry about the way my body looks, I deeply and completely love and accept myself right now. Even though I feel angry about the way my body looks, I am open to the possibility that I could feel differently about this tomorrow. Even though I feel angry about the way my body looks, I choose to take inspired action rather than reacting to this negative emotion.

Eyebrow…I am so angry
Side of Eye…I hate the way my body looks
Under the Eye…And I did this to myself
Under the Nose…I am so angry about the way my body looks
Chin…Doing anything about this feels almost impossible
Collarbone…This anger isn’t very healthy for me
Under the Arm…And probably makes it even harder to lose weight
Top of Head…I acknowledge my anger
Eyebrow…I acknowledge my challenges
Side of Eye…I accept who I am, even with this less than perfect body
Under the Eye…I have been so angry
Under the Nose…I have been angry about my body’s appearance
Chin…And I blame myself for it
Collarbone…That means I’ve been angry with myself
Under the Arm…I accept where I am right now
Top of Head…And I look forward to a future where I can accept my body too.
Take a deep breath and let it out gently. At first glance it may seem that we haven’t changed anything with this tapping. This is a necessary starting point for creating any lasting change around weight and body issues. It is absolutely essential to first accept the truth of where we are openly and honestly, and without blame or shame. From that place of acceptance, miracles can happen.
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