Lack of Respect

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Raising kids is definitely stressful. Most parents I talk to consider their children to be a blessing, but consider their behaviors to be something quite different. While there are so many different thoughts and feelings that come up, Mark’s experience is a great example. Mark had two children that were somewhat headstrong. They were always questioning what he told them and testing the boundaries he set for them. It drove him crazy and he often interpreted their behaviors as a challenge against his authority or lack of respect. After tapping, he was able to reduce his automatic reactions and deal more effectively with their actual behaviors. As we use Mark’s tapping sequence be sure to use gender appropriate pronouns as needed.

Say this problem statement aloud, “My child does not repsect my authority.” Rate the intensity that you feel on the 0-10 scale and record your rating.

illustration for karate chop point

Setup (Karate Chop Point) – Even though my child does not respect my authority and that makes me feel very angry, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though my child questions me, doesn’t follow my rules, and sometimes even ignores me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. How dare my child challenge my authority? Even though she does, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway, including all of my feelings, conscious and unconscious.”

diagram of the tapping points

Eyebrow…My child does not respect my authority

Side of Eye…Who am I kidding? My child doesn’t respect ME!

Under the Eye…She doesn’t believe me when I teach her things

Under the Nose…She questions me when I explain things

Chin…She doesn’t follow my rules

Collarbone…I have to tell her more than once to do things

Under the Arm…These are all challenges to my authority

Top of Head…When she behaves this way it really upsets me

Eyebrow…Children are supposed to respect their parents

Side of Eye…And that means doing what they are told

Under the Eye…I am confused about why this bothers me so much

Under the Nose…My reaction seems out of proportion to the behavior

Chin…I wonder if there is more to this than what I really know?

Collarbone…I am open to understanding my own reactions to this

Under the Arm…I am open to understanding my own beliefs about parenting and respect

Top of Head…I am open to clarity about this subject

Eyebrow…Even though my child does not respect my authority

Side of Eye…I choose to remain a calm and loving parent

Under the Eye…Even though my child seems to bring out the worst in me

Under the Nose…I choose to do the best parenting that I know how to do

Chin…Even though it seems she does not respect me

Collarbone…I seek to understand her behavior

Under the Arm…Even though my child does not respect me in the way I would like

Top of Head…I am open to the possibility that this could change.

Take a deep breath and let it out gently. Check the intensity of your original problem statement, “My child does not respect my authority.” Did you notice any change?

Want more tapping? This tapping example and others like it can be found in Tap It Away: 10 Minutes to Freedom With EFT.

Cover Image of Tap It Away: 10 Minutes to Freedom With EFT by Dr. Leanna Manuel

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