Out of Control With Food
Have you ever been out of control with food? This is an old problem that has re-surfaced for me. Please tap along with me in the video. If you have questions or comments about any of the content, I’d love to hear from you.
Have you ever been out of control with food? This is an old problem that has re-surfaced for me. Please tap along with me in the video. If you have questions or comments about any of the content, I’d love to hear from you.
Have you ever heard that expression? I have heard it and used it, but only understood it through context, never knowing a dictionary definition. Merriam-Webster defines it as “to encompass an entire range of something.” Synonyms include range, spectrum, span, scope, breadth, scale, or extent. Gamut is also a term that can apply in meridian … [Read more…]
The tapping exercise below also comes from my study of the Tao Te Ching. Setup (while tapping karate chop point): I have a tendency to make snap judgments about people, places, events, circumstances – really, just about everything. Even when I take the time to think about things, I’m still … [Read more…]
The 9-Gamut is a great procedure to add to your regular tapping. When I first learned to tap (many years ago) the 9-gamut was always included. Now it doesn’t seem to be very common, but I still find it useful. Fair warning: it looks really weird. This was always the hardest part to get people … [Read more…]
I have posted quite a few tapping examples lately that were based on my reading of the Tao Te Ching. I was inspired to delve into the Tao Te Ching after reading Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book Change Your Thoughts-Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao. His discussion of each of the verses has … [Read more…]
“I don’t have time to exercise.” I say these words a lot. I’m a very busy person. Intellectually I know that what I mean is that I don’t have time that I want to allocate to exercise, but the feeling that I don’t have time is quite real. Tap along with the exercise and see … [Read more…]
This is a tapping exercise that I first used in 2011. It pains me to tell you, but it was true again this week. I am once again deeply ashamed of how out of control I am about food. In my own defense, it isn’t always true, but some things have obviously changed in my … [Read more…]
While the message Don’t Try – Do! may be more recently associated with my little green guru Yoda, it is also a lesson from the Tao Te Ching. It is also a lesson I have struggled with, although intellectually whole-heartedly support. Setup (while tapping on the karate chop point): I have a tendency to say … [Read more…]
There may not be a right or wrong. I’ve been exposed to this concept before and have certainly used it in psychotherapy more than once when encountering someone’s rigid beliefs. Honestly, this is a concept that I often struggle with and I have a marked tendency to see things in terms of right and wrong. … [Read more…]
It seems that emotions are high (intense) everywhere I go. That makes me uncomfortable. When emotions are high it seems harder for me to predict what is going to happen and therefore, harder to feel safe. I prefer things to be calm and peaceful. That doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy a good debate, but … [Read more…]