Holidays Are All About The Food

Christmas CupcakesI’m sure I’m not alone in associating holidays and food.  Sometimes it seems that for me the holidays are all about the food.  I just made it through Thanksgiving without completely sabotaging my health with food, but it wasn’t easy.  I’m already thinking ahead about Christmas.  My house is decorated and the next thing that popped into my mind was what kind of cookies I wanted to bake.  If I only baked them, then gave them away it would be one thing, and that may be what I do, but it isn’t really what I was thinking and feeling.  Don’t get me wrong, food isn’t the only thing I associate with holidays, but it is a very powerful association for me and a real danger point for my health and well-being.

illustration for karate chop pointSetup (karate chop point): Every time I think about the holidays I get images of food.  I wish I didn’t.  I would much prefer to associate holidays with something other than food.  Even though I have this unwanted association between holidays and food, I choose to love myself anyway.  Even though I have this unwanted association between holidays and food, I choose to accept my feelings.  Even though I have these unwanted associations between the holidays and food, I choose to accept myself anyway and to remember that I am a work in progress.

diagram of the tapping pointsEyebrow…Food and holiday celebrations go together

Side of Eye…IF you took the food away I don’t know what would be left

Under the Eye…Unfortunately, most holiday foods aren’t very good for me

Under the Nose…And overeating seems to be the norm

Chin…It doesn’t feel like the holiday without cheesy goodness.   Mmmm cheese balls and crackers

Collarbone…It is not a real holiday without cookies and candies.  Mmmm homemade caramels and gingerbread

Under the Arm…It doesn’t feel like the holiday without appetizers and snacks.  Mmmm caramel pop corn

Top of Head…There has been so much focus on the food that I don’t know what else to do to get that warm nostalgic feeling

Hot ChocolateEyebrow…Even though food equals holiday for me

Side of Eye…I choose to look for new symbols to make myself feel good

Under the Eye…Even though I seem to have always focused on the food

Under the Nose…I choose to focus more on the people and relationships

Chin…Even though food has always been a huge part of the holiday for me

Collarbone…I choose to find other ways to have fun

Under the Arm…I am afriad that without the food it just won’t seem right

Top of Head…But I choose to find other ways to celebrate

Eyebrow…I love and accept my thoughts about this

Side of Eye…I love and accept my feelings about this

Under the Eye…I love and accept my willingness to learn new ways of celebrating

Under the Nose…I am open to clarity about my relationship with food

Chin…I am open to clarity about my relationship with the holidays

Collarbone…I chose to enjoy food

Under the Arm…Without making it the most important part of my holiday

Top of Head…I am looking forward to embracing my new and improved holiday celebrations

This tapping, and others like it, can be found in Don’t Diet.

Happy Tapping.

Sugar Addiction – Video 3 of 3

Photo of easter candy representing sugar addiction at EasterSometimes it is difficult to predict how different aspects of a problem or challenge will appear. In this video there is an update on my sugar addiction tapping and also a general tapping on food anxiety. I thought the re-post of sugar addiction tapping would be absolutely appropriate as we face the Easter basket candy.  Please join in.

Sugar Addiction – Video 2 of 3

This video addressed some of the emotions that can drive a sugar sugary snackaddiction such as anger and embarrassment.

Say this statement “I am a sugar addict.”  How true does that feel to you on a 0-10 scale (10=very true)?  Write that number down before you start tapping to release the hold that sugar addiction has on you.