Wanting More Attention

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This tapping seemed appropriate since tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. It is a day that highlights both the good and the not so good about being in a relationhip. Although we seem to want intimate relationships, they can be quite stressful. This is an area where people tend to judge whether their feelings are justified PRIOR to deciding to tap. I urge you to begin tapping without judgement.

Say this statement aloud “My husband (boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, significant other, etc) never pays enough attention to me.” Rate the intensity on the 0-10 point scale and record your rating.

illustration for karate chop point

Tap on your karate chop point and repeat these setup statements. “Even though my husband doesn’t pay attention to me the way I want him to, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though my husband has been a selfish jerk lately and hasn’t paid much attention to me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I want more attention from my hsuband and I don’t know how to get it from him, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

diagram of the tapping points

Eyebrow…My husband never pays enough attention to me

Side of Eye…My husband never pays enough attention to me

Under the Eye…My husband never pays enough attention to me

Under the Nose…My husband never pays enough attention to me

Chin…My husband never pays enough attention to me

Collarbone…My husband never pays enough attention to me

Under the Arm…My husband never pays enough attention to me

Top of Head…My husband never pays enough attention to me

Take a deep breath and let it out gently. Continue with the following reminder phrases at each of the tapping spots

Eyebrow…My husband never pays enough attention to me

Side of Eye…And I need his attention

Under the Eye…It feels like he doesn’t care about me at all

Under the Nose…I do all kinds of things for him

Chin…But he doesn’t do anything for me

Collarbone…I know that is not really true

Under the Arm…He does things for me

Top of Head…Just not the things I want him to do right now

Eyebrow…I’m not getting what I want from him

Side of Eye…And, rather than tell him what I want

Under the Eye…I want him to guess

Under the Nose…That’s not working so well for me

Chin…I want his attention and I’m afraid to just ask for it

Collarbone…I wonder what it is that I really want or need right now?

Under the Arm…Asking for what I want or need is the best thing I could do

Top of Head…I feel relieved to realize that my husband does pay attention to me and I choose to feel empowered to ask to have my needs met.

Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Check the intesnity of your original problem statement, “My husband never pays enough attention to me.” Notice any changes and make notes for future tapping. This is a complex topic and likely to need some additional tapping to resolve all of the aspects. This tapping is an adaptation of one found in Tap It Away: 10 Minutes to Freedom With EFT.

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