Don’t Call Me Crone

An old woman who is thin and ugly….archetypal figure.. keeper…. seer….. healer…… midwife…. a disagreeable malicious sinister old woman.
  These are all descriptions found for the word crone.  Although some of those are quite positive, my being always feels “Don’t call me crone.”  This is a totally irrational reaction.  Many other women I have talked to feel the same way.  The tapping that follows is an exploration of the internal dialogue that happens when I consider that word.  While it is obvious that I no longer fit into the archetype of maiden or mother, I still want to scream “Don’t call me crone” because of the negative connotations in today’s mainstream society.




Stress Headache

man with stress headacheHave you ever had a stress headache?  I don’t get headaches very often, but I’ve had quite a few of them recently.  News Flash: I don’t like them.  When stress is involved, I usually try to tap on the root issue – the stress itself.  Sometimes, particularly when you need some quick relief, it can be effective to tap on the physical symptom first.

In the video that follows you will see an example of symptom tapping.  First we will get a clearer picture of the symptom, then begin the tapping.  There is also an example of two-handed tapping.  Comments or questions?  Let me know.




Not Enough

Not enough timeTapping about feeling out of control continues.  This video includes an update about progress, use of the 9-Gamut procedure, and an exploration of additional factors underlying the compulsive food behavior.

Are there any areas in your life in which you feel like there isn’t enough of something?  If so, you might find this tapping very useful.

I hope you will tap along, even if this isn’t an issue that is currently a problem for you.  Any tapping, even about other issues, can help you to unlock your own issues and bring relief.


Out of Control Update

out of control with food and wanting pizzaWhat follows is an update on my tapping about being out of control with food.  There were several positives, although baby steps, and a resolve to set myself up for more success by making tapping more automatic instead of relying upon myself to decide to tap when I need it.  I also explore what might be some of the underlying issues that will need to be resolved in order to experience more success in managing my food more successfully.



The 9-Gamut is a great procedure to add to your regular tapping.  When I first learned to tap (many years ago) the 9-gamut was always included.  Now it doesn’t seem to be very common, but I still find it useful.  Fair warning: it looks really weird.  This was always the hardest part to get people to do and it is such a shame. If you can roll your eyes (I bet you can do that), hum a tune, and count to 5 you can do this. Keep an open mind and give it a try.



Exercise Avoidance

getting ready to exerciseHave you ever skipped a planned workout because you just didn’t want to go? Meridian tapping can help to keep you on track for your health and fitness goals. This is actually a pretty old video.  Much has changed since I filmed it.  I’ve moved twice, broken my arm, and changed jobs.  My commitment to exercise has not changed, but the way I go about it has.  I typically don’t go to the gym anymore and now do most of it at home.  I’m also thinking about increasing movement rather than increasing the number or repetitions.

Don’t get me wrong, I still set goals for time, speed, and incline when on the treadmill, monitor the number of steps per day on my smart phone, and get excited if I can add weight when lifting.   Setting and working toward goals is a part of my personality.  In terms of health though, frequent movement seems to be as important as intense movement.

Even though I remain committed, there are days when I just have trouble getting started.  That is when tapping really comes to my rescue.


Fear of Spiders

fear of spiders? spider in webMeridian tapping is an effective tool for alleviating the pain and suffering of specific fears. The video demonstrates tapping for fear of spiders but can be customized to address your own specific fears.  It’s a really simple technique.  To get the best result, either go look at what you are afraid of, or find a picture of it to look at before you begin the tapping.


Letting It Be Easy

links of chain making things difficultDo you make things harder than they have to be?  I know that I sometimes do.  There have been many occasions when I’ve struggled through a task, and on completion been amazed (and distressed) when I realize that it could have been much simpler or easier than I made it.  Perhaps it is prior programming that taught me that things worth having require work, or maybe it is the number of past experiences when change was truly difficult. I suspect that I have just been getting in my own way much of the time.  This tapping video is about letting things be easier whenever that is possible and at least not making them needlessly difficult.

Finding The Right Time

Book cover of Tao Te Ching: The Definitive Edition by Lao Tzu from

I often find it hard to know when it is time to take action versus time to wait.  When exactly is the right time? This tapping video was inspired by portions of the Tao Te Ching, Verse 8.

When acting, remember – timing is everything

One who lives in accordance with nature

does not go against the way of things

He moves in harmony with the present moment

always knowing the truth of just what to do.