Tapping for Low Energy

Not feeling like we have enough energy is a common problem for most of us. Below is a tapping exercise that may help to improve the situation. When I did this one, lots of other issues popped up that needed tapping in addition to low energy. You may want to have your tapping journal handy … [Read more…]
Low Energy

Having low energy is a common problem for most of us. Below is a tapping exercise that may help to improve the situation. When I first used this one, lots of other issues popped up that needed tapping as well. You may want to have your tapping journal handy to jot down some notes. If … [Read more…]
Book Review – Energy Tapping: How to Rapidly Eliminate Anxiety, Depression, Cravings, and More Using Energy Psychology

Energy Tapping by Fred Gallo and Harry Vincenzi was one of the first books on Energy Psychology (EP) that I read and I’m delighted to have read it again after more than a decade of doing EP with others. In addition to being a great introductory text for EP work and tapping, this book has … [Read more…]