Tapping Video: She Pushes My Buttons
Who pushes your buttons? Do you like the way that you respond when your buttons get pushed? Tap along to reprogram those buttons and your responses.
Who pushes your buttons? Do you like the way that you respond when your buttons get pushed? Tap along to reprogram those buttons and your responses.
Anxiety is a complex subject. This video addresses the form of anxiety that is under the surface, but there isn’t necessarily a clear reason for it. The focus of the tapping is focused on reducing anxiety by small amounts without compromising the need for safety that anxiety actually seems to provide.
Have you ever eaten something you had decided you weren’t going to eat or eaten more of them than you had intended? Sadly, it happens to me more frequently than I would like. What usually happens next is the thought “I might as well eat whatever I want because I already blew it.” The tapping … [Read more…]
Start tapping on your karate chop point. Say these words aloud: Nothing calms me down better than food. Even though nothing calms me down better than food, I don’t like what it does to my body. I am open to learning new ways of calming down. I’m also open to learning more about the things … [Read more…]
I tend to be an optimist, but sometimes I have a hard time seeing the silver lining right away. Thursday morning started as any other day. I got up and showered, fed the dogs, made my breakfast, packed my lunch for work, then went into the laundry room to check the dogs’ water bowl. I … [Read more…]
The idea that something “should” be a certain way causes much pain and discomfort in many people’s lives. Tap along as we address the idea of “should” and the resistance to letting it go.
My first introduction to tapping (aka The Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT) used acrophobia as the target. It was a great option given the high prevalence of height phobias. According to Wikipedia, acrophobia is an extreme or irrational fear of heights. Because we were in southern Florida, an amazingly flat area, it wasn’t possible to … [Read more…]
Yes, but…Those words can derail us in so many ways. This applies whether the words are said to us or whether they are part of the little voice in our own head. These words can hold us back from going for our goals. Tapping can make a difference and neutralize the yes, buts….from the past, … [Read more…]
Limiting beliefs are those thoughts, sometimes conscious, sometimes not, that keep us from doing the things we need to do to reach our goals. For example, when I was growing up I wanted to be an astronaut. That was at the beginning of the manned space program and whenever I would mention that I wanted … [Read more…]
With a little planning we can set ourselves up for a successful day. The time after hitting the snooze bar is a great opportunity for tapping.