Thanksgiving is Over

For most people the day of purposeful gluttony is over.  Thanksgiving is over. We had our feast, family gathered, and hopefully cleanup is over.    Now what?  There may be Black Friday shopping to look forward to (or dread).  Some people will be working as usual.  Many airports will be crowded with people heading home from wherever they went.  Will the purposeful practice of gratitude be over too?

I’m in a pretty funky mood.  The weather is overcast and so are my thoughts.  The frenzy of Christmas is upon us.  Even so, I am keenly aware of all that I have to be grateful for.  Instead of a New Year Resolution, I am making a Thanksgiving Resolution to be more mindful of engaging in a purposeful gratitude practice.

Here are some ideas I am considering:

  1. Writing at least 2 things on the whiteboard above my desk each day that I am grateful for.
  2. Find one person to sincerely thank for something each day at work (a place where I find the spirit of gratitude tough)
  3. Starting my morning, before I get out of bed with a gratitude prayer
  4. Saying or singing grace before my meals (silently or aloud)
  5. Counting my blessings while I brush my teeth

If you have a gratitude practice, I’d love to hear about what you do and what benefits you have noticed.