Tag: EFT
I Feel So Overwhelmed
Its embarrassing to admit this, but sometimes I feel so overwhelmed that I forget to tap. I hate it when I suddenly, after way too much angst, think about tapping. Here is a short tapping exercise to get you started when you find yourself doing the same thing.
Say this statement aloud, “I feel overwhelmed.” Rate the intensity or truth of the statement on a 0-10 scale where 10 is very true. Write the number down for later.
Repeat this setup statement three times while tapping on the karate chop point. “Even though I feel overwhelmed right now, and that’s my excuse for not tapping, I deeply and completely love and accept myself and all of my feelings — even my excuses.
Begin tapping, using a different reminder phrase at each of the tapping points.
Eyebrow…I feel overwhelmed
Side of Eye…So I can’t tap
Under the Eye…I feel overwhelmed
Under the Nose…I feel so overwhelmed that I can’t even do anything
Chin…I can’t even tap because I’m so overwhelmed
Collarbone…I feel overwhelmed
Under the Arm…I AM overwhelmed
Top of Head…You would be too if you were me
Eyebrow…I have good reasons to feel overwhelmed
Side of Eye…I am overwhelmed
Under the Eye…So it’s okay if I’m stuck
Under the Nose…Well, maybe its not ok with me
Chin…Tapping is pretty easy
Collarbone…I could probably tap, even though I’m so overwhelmed
Under the Arm…And I feel pretty good after I tap
Top of Head…It just might work
Take a deep breath and say the original statement again, “I feel overwhelmed.” Rate it on the 0-10 scale. Was there any change? If your new rating is above a 3, continue tapping with the statements above or use your own words about what you are feeling until the intensity or truth of the statement comes down.
Tapping Video – Tapping for Sleep
Tapping Exercise – Head in the Sand
Do you have a tendency to bury your head in the sand and try to ignore problems? If so, this tapping exercise from my upcoming book Unleash Your Primal Power: Totem Tapping for Health and Happiness might be just what you need to get started on a path of managing things more directly.
Begin tapping on the karate chop spot and use these words as your setup: Even though I would rather play the ostrich and stick my head in the sand, I deeply love and accept myself. Even though it feels like it would be easier to ignore my problems and hope they will go away on their own, I love, accept, and forgive myself. Even though I would prefer not to see the problem so that I don’t have to do anything about it, I accept the reality of my situation and accept all of me.
Eyebrow…Playing ostrich
Side of Eye…Sticking my head in the sand
Under the Eye…Playing ostrich
Nose…Ignoring my problems
Chin…Playing ostrich
Collarbone…Hoping these problems will magically disappear
Under the Arm…Playing ostrich
Top of Head…I don’t really want to deal with this
Eyebrow…Playing ostrich
Side of Eye…I know it doesn’t really work
Under the Eye…Playing ostrich
Nose…I have to pull my head out of the sand sometime
Chin…Playing ostrich
Collarbone…I might as well face it
Under the Arm…Playing ostrich
Top of Head…I can do it now
Take a deep breath and let it out. Notice what you feel. You are likely to need to repeat this several times or add your own words about playing ostrich and how it has shown up in your life. Drop me a comment and let me know how it worked for you.
Happy Tapping.
Tapping Video: Feeling Let Down
Tapping Video: The Elephant in the Room
Tapping Video: Inviting Abundance
Tapping Video: The Dreaded Buffet
Tao Te Ching – Verse 8
Take a look at this translation from Tao Te Ching: The Definitive Edition by Jonathan Star.
The best way to live is to be like water for water benefits all things and goes against none of them. It provides for all people and even cleanses those places a man is loath to go. In this way it is just like the Tao.
Live in accordance with the nature of things: Build your house on solid ground. Keep your mind still. When giving, be kind. When speaking, be truthful. When ruling, be just. When working, be one-pointed. When acting, remember – timing is everything.
One who lives in accordance with nature does not go against the way of things. He moves in harmony with the present moment always knowing the truth of just what to do.
In Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao he offers this translation of the same verse:
The supreme good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to. It flows to low places loathed by all men. Therefore it is like the Tao.
Live in accordance with the nature of things. In dwelling, be close to the land. In meditation, go deep in the heart. In dealing with others, be gentle and kind. Stand by your word. Govern with equity. Be timely in choosing the right moment.
One who lives in accordance with nture does not go against the way of things. He moves in harmony with the present moment, always knowing the truth of just what to do.
A few things stood out for me when reading these two translations.
- Let it be easy
- Good things are for everyone, not just the people I like or the people who are like me
- Your word, what you say, is a representation of who you are
- Some things may be right, but this may not be the right time
- Stop trying to force things to happen
- Be who you are. Don’t try to be somebody else
- I have an inner knowing and I need to follow it
These are not necessarily things that are easy to grasp, easy to implement, or comfortable to contemplate. That is where tapping can be a big benefit. We can tap to minimize resistance. We can tap on feeling uncomfortable. We can tap about specific incidents in which we failed miserably in these lofty goals. We can tap about our uncertaintly about whether we could every achieve such a state of enlightenment.
One of my favorite ways to get started when reading spiritual texts of any kind is to start tapping while I am reading it. I believe that it helps with understanding and begins to melt away resistance. When I tap while reading I also seem to be more alert to changes in my body that can signal that a particular passage requires a deeper investigation or has particular applicability for my life.
Try it. Pick one or both of the translations about and just start your tapping. Switch to a different tapping spot whenever you feel like it. Notice what you are feeling. If you want, you can stop to jot down some notes any time you feel moved to do so. Then, resume your tapping when you are done.
As always, tapping that includes your own words, thoughts, and experiences will be the most beneficial.
Happy Tapping.
Lack of Success Does Not = Failure
If you perceive all instances where you were not successful as failure, you are probably pretty miserable. Most people do not get something right the first time. Most people do not evey get it all right the second time. Do you think that Edison invented the light bulb on his first try? If he had decided not to try to second, third, and hundredth time because he had “failed” we would all still be living in the dark.
It is not true that not trying protects you from failure either. Not trying could be perceived as failure. Further, there is no truth to the belief that failure leads to embarrassment. It is time to challenge that automatic thought.
Tapping is a great tool to use to change this type of thinking.
Say the following statement aloud. “If I don’t try, I don’t risk the embarrassment of failure.” Rate how true you believe this statement is on a 0-10 scale where 10 = completely true, and write it down.
Repeat this statement three times while tapping gently on the karate chop point. “Even though I believe I can avoid the embarrassment of failure by not trying anything – I choose to love, forgive, and accept myself and all of my limiting beliefs.”
Start tapping:
Eyebrow – I don’t want to feel embarrassed
Side of Eye – And I will feel embarrassed if I fail
Under the Eye – So I keep myself safe by not trying at all
Nose – But it doesn’t really keep me safe
Chin – And it doesn’t avoid failure
Collarbone – And I am embarrassed anyway
Under the Arm – I believe I will fail
Top of Head – I know I will fail
Eyebrow – I can predict the future
Side of Eye – My failure is certain
Under the Eye – My failure is absolute
Nose – No it’s not!
Chin – Not trying is failure too
Collarbone – It is safe to try
Under the Arm – I can be successful
Top of Head – I KNOW I can take risks and succeed
Take a deep breath and check the intensity of your original statement. “If I don’t try, I don’t risk the embarrassment of failure.” Rate the truth of the statement again on the 0-10 scale. Continue tapping with these or similar statements until your rating is quite low (below 3).
What happens inside you when you think about the number of times you have “failed” at something before? Is it a negative feeling? Is it a positive feeling? Is it neutral? My hope for you is that it is either neutral or positive, but I suspect you will really feel more negative. I know that my response is usually negative.
So you have “failed”. I say GOOD! That means you have tried something. Do you have a number in your head for how many times it is okay to fail at something before you should give up? Is that number the same as the number of times that you think it is okay for other people to try something before they give up? If there is a difference, try to understand why. It will likely be another belief that you will want to tap on in the future. Be sure to write it down in your tapping journal for later if you don’t have time right now.
Happy Tapping.