December Happy Things

It has been a very full month. Lots of things to do. But also much to be happy about too. Here is my last happy things list for 2024. December Happy Things. Do we share any similar happy things this month?

Hot Chocolate

My new puppy Scooby

A successful harp performance

Learning a new song

Collaborating with other musicians

Finishing my Christmas shopping

Sending Christmas cards

Soup for lunch

A short work day

Resigning from a job

Rearranging furniture

Christmas carols

Wearing lots of red

Small bandaids

Recognizing options

Handwritten thank you notes

Oatmilk whipped cream

Durable dog toys

Bodhi’s amazing persistence

Animal rescue organizations

Finishing a composition

Listening to a bassoon

Christmas romance novels

Composition lessons

Gaelic practice

Voice lessons

Great Christmas music on youtube 

Honey mustard salad dressing

A freezer full of homemade soups

Finishing a composition

Candy canes

Daydreaming about retirement

Sturdy kitchen aprons

Sending flowers to people I love

Flickering candles

Phone calls from family

writings in a planner
Photo by Bich Tran on

It has been a very interesting month. Lots of changes. Lots of music. New insights. Personal growth. And yes, lots of feeling overwhelmed and overextended. There were a few highlights though. At the top of the list would be Christmas caroling with people from my church. We visited shut-ins and folks in assisted living facilities. Watching their faces light up, sometimes singing along was priceless. Also near the top of the list was playing my harp for the first time at a Christmas eve service.I was nervous, but it went well and people appreciated and enjoyed it.

I would have liked a snowy December but that didn’t happen. Maybe next year.

rain of snow in town painting
Photo by Lisa Fotios on

So on to 2025 we go. For me this anticipation of a new year is mostly a positive thing, even in this time of global unrest. I am thinking about how I want to use the time, both personally and professionally. Not really resolutions, but intentions.

I wish you a wonderful new year.

Happy Things June 2024

person holding a calendar and clipboard
Photo by Ron Lach on

It is the end of June. Its hard to believe that half of 2024 is over. There have been many happy things to acknowledge and be grateful for. Of course there have also been things that I found annoying, uncomfortable, unfortunate, irritating, bothersome, or scary. That’s just real life. I am working hard not to overfocus on those less than happy things. That doesn’t mean that I won’t take action when needed but I am committed to only giving things the attention they require. Sometimes that takes some work. But really, how does it help to spend mental energy thinking about my computer frustration? It doesn’t change the fact that I just have to wait until the new computer arrives.

a massage therapist massaging a client s back
Photo by Anna Tarazevich on
blueberry fruit on gray container
Photo by veeterzy on

My harp
Electronic harp tuner
Black tea
Fresh Blueberries
Singing in the choir
Power naps
Hot chocolate flavored lip balm
Audible books
Duolingo Gaelic lessons
Computer glasses
Deep tissue massage
Peppermint candles
Buying my new harp
A summer rain
Learning a new song
Topical Benadryl
Live stream church
Indoor swimming
Tie dye t-shirts
Sunday naps
A kind word
Unexpected cool summer days
Much needed rain
Music playlists
Dried mango
Patient IT people
Unexpected days off
Peaceful mornings
Puppy kisses
Pumpkin Seeds

close up photo of swimming rope
Photo by Pixabay on

Right now I could chose to be focused on the fact that I can’t get the pictures to line up the way I want them to. What good would that do? Even if they aren’t situated perfectly you get the point. Now I can go focus on things that make me happy.

Happy Things May 2024

smiley drawing on sand
Photo by Melissa on

Its that time again. Here is my Happy Things list for May 2024. I’ve started keeping a running list, much like the one in the book that inspired me, 14,000 Things to Be Happy About, by Barbara Ann Kipfer. I’m not as faithful with it as I aspire to be, but am getting better. I’ve decided to include it with my Morning Pages (inspired by Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way). I’ve already established the habit of writing Morning Pages every day so doing the two together could improve my consistency.

You may have read this before, but living in a state of gratitude helps your brain to help you. When you are intentionally focusing on gratitude your brain automatically screens out everything that isn’t gratitude unless it is really urgent. Poof – all of those minor annoyances can fade into the background. Whew – what a relief. I can’t help but think that this world would be a much more pleasant place if everybody was focusing more on what makes them happy or what they are grateful for.

May Happy Things


Spiral notebooks
Dry erase markers
Dusty Strings harp strings
Organic green grapes
Requests to play my harp at church
An open lane at the pool
Having crutches when you need them
Window AC units
Donated piano music
Aluminum foil
Cherry tomatoes
A new skirt
Refills for my mechanical pencils
Sturdy erasers

brown wooden harp on garden
Photo by Анна Малышева (Заволока) on

Perhaps some of the things that make you happy are the same as mine. Its almost certain that some will be different. I’d love it if you would share your list with the people around you and possibly even share it with me. Does anybody else have a harp on their happy things list?

Happy Things April 2024

Lemon Pecan Pancakes

Once again I feel blessed with a wonderful month of happy things. Composing, singing, playing the harp, playing the piano, are definitely highlights of every month. These things were also the heartbeat of my life in April. In addition I was able to get out of town for a long weekend to see family and experience the joys of another city. During that trip I ate some great food that was both unexpected and indulgent. I had some lemon pecan pancakes that almost brought me to tears. Given all of my food allergies I rarely get to have something like that, both safe and delicious. When topped with maple syrup it really made my day.

Other things that may be happy in April:

brown wooden harp on garden
Photo by Анна Малышева (Заволока) on

A patient harp teacher
Breakfast with a talented composer
A zoom conference with a famous composer
Beginner harp music
Singing a duet with my favorite Scotsman
Find your airbuds app
A kind veterinarian
Phone calls from my son
Potato chips – a guilty pleasure
Composer and mentor Andrew Maxfield
Voice Teacher Timothy Wilds
Pictures of grandchildren
Blooming lilacs
Mechanical pencils
Maple syrup

I hope you have started keeping track of all the happiness in your life. I’d love to hear about your list.

Thanksgiving is Over

For most people the day of purposeful gluttony is over.  Thanksgiving is over. We had our feast, family gathered, and hopefully cleanup is over.    Now what?  There may be Black Friday shopping to look forward to (or dread).  Some people will be working as usual.  Many airports will be crowded with people heading home from wherever they went.  Will the purposeful practice of gratitude be over too?

I’m in a pretty funky mood.  The weather is overcast and so are my thoughts.  The frenzy of Christmas is upon us.  Even so, I am keenly aware of all that I have to be grateful for.  Instead of a New Year Resolution, I am making a Thanksgiving Resolution to be more mindful of engaging in a purposeful gratitude practice.

Here are some ideas I am considering:

  1. Writing at least 2 things on the whiteboard above my desk each day that I am grateful for.
  2. Find one person to sincerely thank for something each day at work (a place where I find the spirit of gratitude tough)
  3. Starting my morning, before I get out of bed with a gratitude prayer
  4. Saying or singing grace before my meals (silently or aloud)
  5. Counting my blessings while I brush my teeth

If you have a gratitude practice, I’d love to hear about what you do and what benefits you have noticed.