Exercise Avoidance


getting ready to exerciseHave you ever skipped a planned workout because you didn’t want to go? Or if you workout at home, have you skipped a workout because you just didn’t feel like doing it?  I have.  This video demonstrates how you can use tapping to keep you on track with your health and fitness goals.


I Believe What I’m Told

sign of encouragementYour decision to believe what others tell you is fact or what they tell you is possible may be preventing you from going after the things you desire and can stop you from being your authentic self.  Although some people might disagree, I have had a strong tendency to believe what I’m told.  Fortunately, this has been less of an issue as I’ve matured.  Tap along with this video to gain more clarity about your tendency to believe what you are told.



Tapping Video: Tap-plaining

What do you get when you combine tapping and complaining? Tap-plaining.  Complaining doesn’t usually help much.  It doesn’t fix anything and doesn’t usually make you feel better. When you tap while complaining you start to feel better, your perspective shifts, and solutions become more obvious.  Tap along with the video to experience how this can work.

Same Old, Same Old: Dealing with Monotony

Someportion of calendar demonstrating the monotony of every daytimes, in fact lots of times, it has seemed like today is just a repeat of yesterday. That usually doesn’t feel very satisfying and I hate the monotony. Tapping can help us to enjoy the freedom to purposefully create and experience each new moment of every new day.




Feeling Powerless? Get Tapping.

When a feeling or behavior keeps repeating itself I often feel powerless to make a change. Getting to the feeling behind a behavior can be extremely valuable.  One way to do this is by asking the question, “When have I felt this way before?”  The technique can be utilized with any feeling.  This video uses tapping on sugar craving to demonstrate how to chase down the origin of a current emotion.


Low Energy? Tap – Don’t Snack

book cover for Don't Diet Reprogramming Your Weight With Meridian TappingIt seems to be quite common to reach for sugary snacks when our energy seems to be a little low. Unfortunately, eating that snack is unlikely to address the underlying problem that caused you to want to eat.  Tapping is a great solution for low energy.  Tap along with the video to get a sense of how to use tapping when your energy crashes.  This tapping can also be found in Don’t Diet: Reprogram Your Weight With Meridian Tapping.



Let Your Mind Wander

Meditative spot at Grand Canyon where you can let your mind wanderI get so many questions about where to start with tapping, what words to say, and whether starting with the negative thoughts is important.  My answer is usually the same – “just start tapping”.  This video is actually a tapping exercise from the book Don’t Diet: Reprogram Your Weight With Meridian Tapping. During this exercise you are encouraged to just let your mind wander and tap, following your own stream of consciousness.  Happy tapping!



Sugar Addiction – Video 3 of 3

Photo of easter candy representing sugar addiction at EasterSometimes it is difficult to predict how different aspects of a problem or challenge will appear. In this video there is an update on my sugar addiction tapping and also a general tapping on food anxiety. I thought the re-post of sugar addiction tapping would be absolutely appropriate as we face the Easter basket candy.  Please join in.