Nothing Calms Me Down Better Than Food
How true is this statement for you? NOTHING CALMS ME DOWN BETTER THAN FOOD! Most days it is a 10 for me. Try this tapping exercise and see if it helps. Setup: Nothing calms me down better than food. Whenever I get upset I turn to food. It always works for me. Even though … [Read more…]
Just Be Me- Lessons from the Tao Te Ching
Setup: (tapping on the karate chop point) It is hard to just be me. We’re not human doings we are human beings. I say that all the time to other people but I’m not sure how to apply it to myself. I am very much a human doing. Do. Do. Do. I know I need … [Read more…]
Feeling Powerless? Get Tapping.
When a feeling or behavior keeps repeating itself I often feel powerless to make a change. Getting to the feeling behind a behavior can be extremely valuable. One way to do this is by asking the question, “When have I felt this way before?” The technique can be utilized with any feeling. This video uses … [Read more…]
Tapping Into Wealth
It should come as no surprise to anyone that I enjoy reading books about tapping. Tapping has made such a profound change in my life. Quite by chance I ran into the book Tapping Into Wealth: How Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Can Help You Clear The Path to Making More Money by Margaret Lynch. It … [Read more…]
Dieting is Getting Really Hard
Sometimes it is easy to eat a healthy diet, and other times — not so much! Here is a tapping sequence I’ve used during those tougher times. The setup (tap on karate chop point). This dieting is getting really hard. Anything that is this hard is probably too hard for me. Controlling my appetite is … [Read more…]
Low Energy? Tap – Don’t Snack
It seems to be quite common to reach for sugary snacks when our energy seems to be a little low. Unfortunately, eating that snack is unlikely to address the underlying problem that caused you to want to eat. Tapping is a great solution for low energy. Tap along with the video to get a sense … [Read more…]
Hoarding or Stocking Up Leads to Scarcity, Not Abundance
What is your mindset? Are you focused on scarcity or are you focused on abundance? Begin by tapping on the karate chop point. Setup: I have a tendency to hoard things. Not like hoarding you see on television, but I sure have trouble throwing things away. Probably more important than that, I have the … [Read more…]
Let Your Mind Wander
I get so many questions about where to start with tapping, what words to say, and whether starting with the negative thoughts is important. My answer is usually the same – “just start tapping”. This video is actually a tapping exercise from the book Don’t Diet: Reprogram Your Weight With Meridian Tapping. During this exercise … [Read more…]
The Art of Extreme Self-Care
The Art of Extreme Self-Care: Transform Your Life One Month at a Time by Cheryl Richardson is aesthetically pleasing and full of insight. This is a wonderful book and I have recommended it to many of my clients, friends, and family. I have read a lot of self-help books. This is definitely one of the … [Read more…]