Food Is My Only Pleasure

For some people food feels like their only pleasure. This is not currently true for me, but it has been true at other times in my life. Just the thought of giving up highly pleasurable foods can cause panic and despair. Try tapping along to release your desire for food pleasure.

illustration for karate chop point

Setup (Karate Chop Point) – Even though I am afraid to give up my food pleasure, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I am afraid to give up my food pleasure, I choose to feed my body with love and logic. Even though I am afraid to give up my food pleasure, I am open to feeling joy and pleasure in other ways.

diagram of the tapping points to use with Food Pleasure

Eyebrow…I am afraid to give up my food pleasure

Side of Eye…If I give up some of these foods, I may never feel any pleasure ever again

Under the Eye…I have so few pleasures now that I don’t want to give any of them up

Under the Nose…What would I ever have to look forward to if I didn’t have these foods?

Chin…I am so afraid to give up my food pleasure

Collarbone…Sometimes it feels like that is all I’ve got

Under the Arm…I don’t think I can give up my food pleasure

Top of Head…Without my food pleasure, there would be no end to my misery

Eyebrow…The pleasure of food keeps the sadness away

Side of Eye…The pleasure of food keeps the boredom away

Under the Eye…The pleasure of food keeps the loneliness away

Under the Nose…I wonder if there is a way to keep some of the pleasure of food

Chin…Without overeating and making myself fat?

Collarbone…That would be a great compromise

Under the Arm…I am open to the small possibility that I don’t have to eat so much in order to feel pleasure

Top of Head…I am open to the small possibility that I don’t have to eat foods that are bad for my body in order to feel pleasure.

Need to learn more about tapping? Click here.

Do you have questions about tapping about diet and exercise or just questions about tapping in general? Many of your questions may be answered in Don’t Diet: Reprogram Your Weight With Meridian Tapping. I’d also love to hear from you. If you are uncomfortable asking your questions in this public forum, you can email me at

Happy Tapping.

book cover for Don't Diet Reprogramming Your Weight With Meridian Tapping

Bedtime Snack

Do you have a habit of bedtime snacking? We all know it isn’t good for us for a whole lot of different reasons. Give the following tapping exercise a try.

illustration for karate chop point

Setup: Even though I feel like I need a snack before bed, I choose to consider the possibility that this is just a habit, not a need. Even though I feel like I need a snack before bed, I choose to address my feelings about bedtime without always turning to food. Even though I feel like I need a snack before bed, I choose to love, honor, and accept myself.

diagram of the tapping points

Eyebrow…I always want a bedtime snack

Side of Eye…As soon as I decide it is bedtime

Under the Eye…I automatically start thinking about food

Under the Nose…I’ve had a bedtime snack

Chin…Since I was a tiny child

Collarbone…It might have made sense for me then

Under the Arm…But I know it doesn’t really make sense for me now

Top of Head…Snacks before bed used to make me feel loved and cared for

Eyebrow…Now it is just something I do

Side of Eye…My body doesn’t need the food so that I can sleep

Under the Eye…In fact, sugary snacks probably interfere with my sleep

Under the Nose…Let’s face it

Chin…I love food, and food makes me feel loved

Collarbone…We all want to feel loved

Under the Arm…But I know that food doesn’t really do that for me

Top of Head…I am open to more clarity about this issue

If you are lucky, this might be enough to turn things around for you. More likely than not, you will need to do some additional tapping at bedtime about whatever feelings and thoughts you are noticing as you are ready to reach for that bedtime snack. Hopefully, the above tapping gives you a starting point.

This tapping is exercise 15 in Don’t Diet: Reprogram Your Weight With Meridian Tapping. Check it out and notice the bonus tapping exercise for body image that is included with it.

book cover for Don't Diet Reprogramming Your Weight With Meridian Tapping

I Don’t Know How To Stop Eating

To say that I don’t know how to stop eating may sound really strange…to anybody that hasn’t experienced before. I can fast. I can restrict my eating to mealtime. But I can’t seem to stop once I’ve started. This is the hallmark of many different “addictive behaviors” which is why abstinence is such a useful strategy. But here’s the rub…you can’t just abstain from eating.

illustration for karate chop point

Setup: I don’t seem to know how to stop eating. I can have a healthy plan but once I start eating I usually eat too much. I don’t understand why I can’t just eat a small amount. Leaving food on my plate makes me feel anxious. Leaving food in the saucepan or skillet makes me feel anxious too. I’d like to be able to eat a reasonable portion and then just be done. In spite of all of these frustrations, I choose to love and accept myself anyway.

diagram of the tapping points

Eyebrow…I can’t stop eating once I start

Side of Eye…I tend to overeat at every meal

Under the Eye…I just can’t seem to get enough

Under the Nose…Enough what? I don’t know

Chin…I would be lying if I said I was hungry

Collarbone…I rarely eat to stop hunger

Under the Arm…I don’t usually get hungry

Top of Head…I eat too much food to really feel hungry

Eyebrow…So why can’t I stop eating?

Side of Eye…I plan my meals

Under the Eye…I plan nutritious food

Under the Nose…And then once I start eating I can’t seem to stop

Chin…Even though I can’t seem to stop eating once I start

Collarbone…I choose to eat according to my plan anyway

Under the Arm…Even though leaving food on my plate makes me feel anxious

Top of Head…I choose to leave food on my plate anyway

Eyebrow…Even though leaving food in the kitchen makes me feel anxious

Side of Eye…I choose to leave food in the kitchen anyway

Under the Eye…Even though I feel anxious when I don’t finish all of the food

Under the Nose…I choose to eat in a healthy way

Chin…All of this food anxiety

Collarbone…I am open to clarity about these confusing feelings

Under the Arm…Food anxiety

Top of Head…I am open to loving myself in spite of all of this confusion

This is a great tapping to do BEFORE you begin eating. It will help to take the edge off of the compulsion to overeat. There are obviously other strategies that can help as well such as having limited food available, putting away the anticipated leftovers before beginning the meal, etc. but if you don’t deal with the underlying problem, most people will just find another way to self-sabotage. Going through the tapping helps to rearrange the energy of your body and can help you get to the bottom of the issue.

This tapping, and more like it can be found in Don’t Diet: Reprogram Your Weight With Meridian Tapping.

book cover for Don't Diet Reprogramming Your Weight With Meridian Tapping

It Is Not Fair

The tapping today is short, and at first glance might seem like it wouldn’t help. I encourage you to give it a try anyway. Put on your very best whiny voice and really throw yourself into it. Can you hear yourself, or someone else, saying that something isn’t fair? I’ve only written out one round, but that should be enough to get going. You might even want to throw yourself on the floor and have a tantrum — I’m not kidding. The more emotion you put behind this, the better the results.

illustration for karate chop point

Setup (Karate Chop Point) – Even though it doesn’t feel fair that I have to diet while others eat all of the food they want, I deeply and completely love and accept myself just the way I am. Even though it isn’t fair that I have to limit my food in order to get to the weight I desire, I deeply and completely love and accept myself no matter what. Even though other people can eat more than I can and eat different foods than I can, I choose to focus on having the body I really want.

diagram of the tapping points

Eyebrow…Its not fair

Side of Eye…Its just not fair

Under the Eye…They can eat anything they want

Under the Nose…I can’t

Chin…Its not fair

Collarbone…I want to eat anything I want and still have a great body and good health

Under the Arm…Why them and not me?

Top of Head…Its not fair

Check out additional tapping from Don’t Diet: Reprogram Your

Weight With Meridian Tapping.

book cover for Don't Diet Reprogramming Your Weight With Meridian Tapping

It Is Too Hard

Do you ever feel like giving up because dieting is too hard? I think we have all felt that way, not just about dieting, but about a lot of things. This short tapping may be just what you need to renew your motivation for self care.

illustration for karate chop point

Setup (Karate Chop Point): Even though it feels like dieting is just to hard, I am open to considering baby steps that could make a difference for me. Even though it feels like dieting is just too hard, I choose to remember that I don’t have to do it all at once. Even though is feels like dieting is just too hard, I love and accept myself anyway.

diagram of the tapping points

Eyebrow…Dieting is just too hard

Side of Eye…I don’t want to do anything that is so hard

Under the Eye…It is just too hard

Under the Nose…It seems overwhelming to me

Chin…It is so hard that I don’t think I can even face it

Collarbone…Dieting is just too hard

Under the Arm…It is too hard

Top of Head…Dieting is way too hard

Eyebrow…Dieting is so very hard

Side of Eye…But I am open to some baby steps towards my goals

Under the Eye…Dieting seems way too hard

Under the Nose…But I don’t have to do it all at once

Chin…Dieting is just too hard

Collarbone…I choose to love and accept myself anyway

Under the Arm…I am open to the possibility that it could be easier than I think

Top of Head…I choose to look for the possibility of success

Need more tapping inspiration about dieting, weight loss, and exercise? Check out Don’t Diet: Reprogram your Weight With Meridian Tapping.

Need to learn more about tapping? Click here.

book cover for Don't Diet Reprogramming Your Weight With Meridian Tapping

If I Exercise Now…

What kinds of excuses do you use to skip out on exercise? I’ve heard (and used) many creative excuses. One of my favorites is “If I exercise now I will be too tired later.” This tapping script is to help eliminate this excuse and get you (and me) back on track.

illustration for karate chop point

Setup (Karate Chop Point): Even though I am avoiding exercise right now, I love and accept myself anyway. Even though I am worried that I will be too tired later if I exercise now, I acknowledge that I am a work in progress. Even though I am worried that I will be too tired to do the rest of the things I have planned for my day if I exercise now, I know that I can change this negative way of thinking.

diagram of the tapping points

Eyebrow…If I exercise now I wil be too tired later

Side of Eye…I am already tired

Under the Eye…How can I do the things I need to do if I exercise now?

Under the Nose…I know I am just making excuses

Chin…But they seem to have worked for me before

Collarbone…At least they have worked to keep me from exercising

Under the Arm…This excuse hasn’t helped me to get any healthier

Top of Head…I know that it isn’t even true

Eyebrow…When I do exercise I am tired for a little while

Side of Eye…And then I have even more energy

Under the Eye…When I exercise regularly

Under the Nose…My energy level stays up

Chin…This is just a negative message my brain has made up

Collarbone…To keep me right where I am

Under the Arm…It isn’t a good message

Top of Head…It isn’t even a true message

Eyebrow…This is a message I could ignore

Side of Eye…Sometimes my brain tells me things that aren’t true

Under the Eye…Things like “I’m hungry” right after I’ve eaten

Under the Nose…Or things like “If you eat sugar you’ll feel better”

Chin…Sometimes these messages are really hard to ignore

Collarbone…It is exciting when I can tell the difference

Under the Arm…I am learning to be better about making decisions based on my goals

Top of Head…I may not be excited about exercising right now, but I don’t have to worry about being too tired later

Do you feel like exercising? Go work out while your motivation is high. Did a new excuse crop up? Keep tapping on each excuse and hopefully gain clarity about your real reasons for avoiding exercise.

This tapping and others like it can be found in Don’t Diet: Reprogram Your Weight With Meridian Tapping. I’d love to hear your feedback.

book cover for Don't Diet Reprogramming Your Weight With Meridian Tapping

I’m Afraid I Will Lose Control

Unfortunately I am no stranger to feeling out of control with food. It is a huge issue that I have not completely eliminated. Fortunately the fear of of losing control is something that rarely sneaks up on me, so when I first notice it I can usually find relief in tapping. What follows is a short tapping that you can use when you start to worry about losing control.

illustration for karate chop point

Setup (Karate Chop Point): Even though I am afraid I will lose control if confronted with any of my favorite foods, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I am afraid that I will lose control and eat too much or eat foods that are not healthy for me, I choose to focus on loving myself and my healthy body instead. Even though I am afraid that I will lose control and eat like a pig, I choose to feel calm and confident, even twhen those comfort foods are readily available.

diagram of the tapping points

Eyebrow…I am afraid I will lose control

Side of Eye…I am afraid I will eat like a pig

Under the Eye…I am afraid my food plan will go right out the window

Under the Nose…I can’t control myself around those foods

Chin…I am afraid I will lose control

Collarbone…I am afraid I will eat too much

Under the Arm…I am afraid I will eat unhealthy foods

Top of Head…I am afraid I will lose control

Continue with these or similar phrases until you feel relief

Did you benefit from this tapping? I’d love to hear about your success.

Want more tapping scripts? Check out Don’t Diet: Reprogram Your Weight With Meridian Tapping.

book cover for Don't Diet Reprogramming Your Weight With Meridian Tapping

I Will Feel Deprived

Who likes the feeling of deprivation?  I certainly don’t.  Dread related to feeling deprived can stop people from making positive changes in their diet, particularly if they currently partake in something known to be less than healthy or even dangerous.  Today’s tapping is short, but is a starting place for addressing the fear of deprivation.

Say this statement aloud, “I will feel deprived if I cannot eat my favorite foods.”  How true does that feel to you?  Rate it on the 0-10 scale (10=is very strong or very true.)

illustration for karate chop point

Setup (Karate Chop Point): Even though I am afraid of how I will feel if I don’t eat my favorite foods. I choose to love and accept myself anyway. Even though I am sure I will feel deprived without my favorite foods, I am hopeful that I can find other sources of pleasure in my life.  Even though the fear of deprivation is very strong for me, I am beginning to consider small diet changes that will help me to be healthy and happy.

diagram of the tapping points

Eyebrow…I feel deprived

Side of Eye…I want to eat my favorite foods

Under the Eye…I don’t want to feel deprived

Under the Nose…I need to eat or I will feel deprived

Chin…I will do anything to avoid that feeling

Collarbone…This deprivation

Under the Arm…Fear of deprivation

Top of Head…This strong feeling of deprivation

Say the original statement again, “I will feel deprived if I cannot eat my favorite foods?”  How true does that feel to you now?  Did specific foods pop in your mind?  Continue tapping about how it would feel to not eat those foods or to eat them less often.  Did your mind drift to specific thoughts, feelings, or sensations related to deprivation?  Continue tapping about how much you want to avoid those thoughts, feelings, and sensations. 

Remember you can find these and other tapping exercises to assist in your health and wellness in Don’t Diet: Reprogram Your Weight With Meridian Tapping

Questions or suggestions?  I’d love to hear from you.

book cover for Don't Diet Reprogramming Your Weight With Meridian Tapping

Preparing for Weight Loss – New Year’s Resolution – Part III

weight loss - apple with tape measureThis is it, the conclusion of this series designed to help you prepare for successful weight loss when you consider make your New Year’s Resolution. Are you ready to put it all together?  I know that I am

Step Five:

What is your emotional or energetic response to the following words, phrases, and statements.  Rate each one on the 1-10 SUDs scale with 10 being very true or very strong.

I don’t deserve to lose weight. Rating It is not safe for me to lose weight Rating
Deprivation Rating Failure Rating
I’ll just regain the weight Rating I don’t believe I can change Rating
Lonely Rating Unlovable Rating
Sexy Rating Security Rating
Expectations Rating It’s too late Rating
I want them to love me for who I am, not what I look like Rating Sugar Addict Rating
Cravings Rating Obsessions Rating
Irritable Rating Anxious Rating
Lazy Rating Resentment Rating


Each of these words or statements that caused a reaction for you is a potential item that is holding you back from your weight loss success and can be addressed through tapping.

Take out your lists that you made.  Follow the example above and make an intensity rating for your top reasons for losing weight, the cons of losing weight, the benefits of not losing weight, and any automatic thoughts about diet, exercise, or weight loss.

book cover for Don't Diet Reprogramming Your Weight With Meridian TappingNow you are ready to do some life-changing tapping. If you are having trouble getting started, consider checking out the book Don’t Diet: Reprogram Your Weight With Meridian Tapping.  It has 229 examples of tapping based on this process.  You can also keep reading the blog posts as I tackle some of my own food, diet, and exercise hang-ups.


Remember the basic formula.

  1. Make a statement that describes what needs to change.
  2. Rate the emotional intensity associated with that statement
  3. Repeat a setup statement or statements while tapping the karate chop point
  4. Tap on the meridians using the tapping points while using a reminder statement
  5. Repeat the original statement
  6. Rate the intensity again.

Your statements don’t have to be fancy.  The standard setup statement of –

“Even though (insert thought or feeling) I deeply and completely love and accept myself” –

Is a good one and works well.  Then for the reminder statement just say the thought or feeling at each point or shorten it to just a few key words.


For a video demonstrating the whole tapping process click here.


Happy Tapping.

Preparing for Weight Loss – New Year’s Resolution – Part II

Welcome back to our tapping about weight loss and getting ready to be successful in our New Year’s Resolutions.  Take out those lists from last time.  You should have a list of the top 10 reasons for wanting to change your weight and a list of the cons or down-side to weight loss.  Next we are going to consider the positive things we associate with being overweight.  I can hear everybody screaming that there is nothing positive, but stay with me.

Step Three:

If someone were to ask you what you get out of being overweight, you might be tempted to punch them.  Of course you don’t get anything out of being overweight – or do you? Being overweight does have advantages for some people.  Our excess weight can serve as a protection from other people or from our own sexuality.  Keeping the excess weight also allows us to maintain the status quo rather than risk the possibility of frustration and failure. For some people, being overweight serves as a connection to current family members and to generations past.  When you hear someone say “All of the women in my family have been heavy” that is a strong statement of identification that could be lost if the individual was to lose weight.  These conscious and unconscious benefits of being overweight can have a tremendous impact on your energy system and can be sufficient to stop a weight loss effort.  Be brutally honest and write down the positive things that are associated with being overweight.

Step Four:

Automatic thoughts, often negative, are just that – automatic.  They pop into our minds and have a tremendous impact, not only on our current mood but also on our energy system.  What thoughts pop into your mind when you hear or think about the words diet, exercise, or weight loss? Write them down in as much detail as you possible can.

Put those lists back in a safe place. In the final article in this series we will use those lists to pull it all together into a very effective tapping plan to boost your success.